Paresh KapuriyaFrameworks Why and How my Website Got Hacked?

Why and How my Website Got Hacked?

We are all, in today’s online business market, very worry about our online representation being hacked and our credibility and profit gone in a blink. And we all should, if you look at all that happened in this past election. We can see that hack has become something usual that happen every day and can affect anyone without distinction on who they are and what they do.

If you have an e-commerce website where you sell your goods, and that site is hacked, it is possible that your customer’s information has been compromised and in some casestheir loyalty towards you will change as you have not been able to proof that their information is safe with you. And that is not the only real big problem about having your site hacked. No-one wants to wake up in the morning to find that their information has been gathered by someone else and can be used to any imaginable thing.

Why has my website been hacked?

Many people ask this question to themselves, sometimes they consider their operation to be minimal and their online business irrelevant to hackers and with that thought they just lower their guard.

Many websites get hacked just because they are vulnerable. Hackers normally use some kind of automatic process to go thru the internet and check well-known vulnerabilities in each site their program visits. It works like a google bot, where they go to your website to collect information about what you do and what you write about, this programs do the same thing but with another objective.

Once these programs find a vulnerability in your site they just proceed to explode it. That can mean they upload viruses to your site so your visitors can get infected, or collect all the information on your database and sell it for a profit, or even clean your entire database off and/or any other creative things they may come out with. The main issue here is that if you are hackable, they can do anything to it.

You can take a look at our services page, we do not use or promote this kind of systems to anyone, we do it the right way and sometimes for less money other companies ask to set you up with a WordPress.

Search on google for hacked wordpress websites or hacked Joomla websites and you’ll see right away why you should keep yourself away from this kind of problems. I mean, there are even companies making a good profit out of hacked WordPress, Magnetos, Joomlas and any of these systems.


Before you take any decision about your website you can give us a call, we will help you with information and tips on how to get your business online or on how to update your current website with no commitment to anything from your end. We have been doing this for more that 20 years and we plan to stay here for a long time, as you should. The internet is becoming the big market and day after day there are more and more businesses moving online to look for a broader audience. Online business is what work today, they will work for a long time still, and it can work for you if you start making the right decision right from the beginning.