Paresh KapuriyaWeb App Development Website Development Challenges Faced By both Clients and Developers
Website Development Challenges

Website Development Challenges Faced By both Clients and Developers

A nicely designed and developed website can have a great impact on your audiences. They will be impressed not only with ease of shopping or information that you are offering through your website but also with the simplicity of navigation or access. In this competitive era, businesses have to nail their respective markets through the best and latest marketing strategies. But all your marketing efforts will not make the grade until you have a perfectly designed and developed business website.

While designing their website, many clients are very clear about their requirements and explain very well what they need and how things should work. Such clients have complete technical knowledge about how work will be done so that they can get what they expect. But this is not same for all. There are some clients who don’t know what exactly they want. They just have a rough business idea, but don’t have a proper business plan. In such a case, agencies need to advise clients on what they need, rather trying to sell them anything and everything.

Website development process is very tricky and time-consuming. It needs patience and continuous communication from both client’s and developer’s side. There are several challenges both developer and client may face during website development. These include:

  • The top challenge faced by the developers from clients’ side is the shift in their expectations and requirements. This could be from both the client types we have already discussed. The client expects to change their plans and project idea after complete discussion or even after project price finalization. This indecisively affects the quality of the work. The solution to this problem is working together and deciding project priorities.
  • When developers begin, they choose one browser themselves or ask the client to pick a browser to make their website working. Initially, they make a website working for one browser because making it functional for multiple browsers is a major challenge. They have to properly take care of HTML/CSS needs for all the available browsers. Developers also have to make sure that his code works well to all different available versions of Windows.
  • If your client has a little knowledge about JavaScript then, he will definitely discuss usage of JavaScript. Whether JavaScript needs to be activated or not is completely a developer’s decision. An experienced and knowledgeable developer will never activate JavaScript and never lets his client rely on it. Always develop a website without JavaScript as you can always add AJAX to make things easy going for the visitors visiting your website.
  • It is necessary that developers should demonstrate value and establish long lasting business relationships through their active background presence and highlight the project achievements till now. You should share monthly or weekly progress reports with the client to provide them a complete view into how their website is performing. These reports will help you detail the amount of uptime and downtime experienced by a website, average page load times and transaction workflow completions. This will also allow web developer to demonstrate issues that the client did not know actually present because they were solved before they lead to a major site breakdown.
  • Navigation is the most important element of any website and web designers have to keep it in mind. Usability of any website is highly dependent on the navigational structure of a website. It is one of the biggest challenges for any developer to provide a proper navigational structure to the users. This will make it easy for users to access clients’ website and increase their visitors as well.
  • Content on the website plays a significant role. It can not only contribute to website promotion through proper keyword usage but also help to impress visitors. It should be readable and it is the responsibility of designers and developers to place content in such a way that it should enhance reading. Make sure the use of colors is proper according to the business theme, font size and keeping other factors in mind.
  • Another important challenge for both developer and businesses is to make them stand out among all. Whether you are an agency or freelance developers, you have to perform outstanding and must have some excellent projects in your bag to grab new clients. Moreover, the task of developer doesn’t end on website completion. On the other hand, clients must have an outstanding website to attract customers. They have to make sure that their website is perfectly functional and easily accessible.
  • Once client’s website is ready for launch or it is already launched, both designer and client are happy with it, but the next level of challenges will start from here. There is a whole list of new things that client would like to get done at some point in the future. Even after complete website testing, there will be a few problems that client may face in a live version. Moreover, there will be spammers who will sign up for user accounts. The client needs to manage accounts and other tasks as well. Clients keep coming back every day with one issue or the other and developers have to help in resolving these issues.

Website development is expediting at an aggressive rate. Better and easy to understand interfaces are sought after. With regard to building up an effective web application, there are various components characterizing that achievement. Clients are anxious to know various parts of your product/service, for example, it’s cost, look and feel, and esteem for cash. To think about the organization’s subtleties, clients may visit the organization’s site, versatile applications and web-based life stages. Consequently, it is significant how you interface and react to the clients.